Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Tips for Effective, Efficient Studying
We asked high school students how they prepare for tests and demanding assignments. Here are some of their recommendations, which we hope you'll find useful and inspiring as you embark on your own SAT practice plan.
Joe Landsberger
Study Guides and Strategies: Time Management
Guide to developing time management skills provides practical tips and strategies to help organize and prioritize studies. Includes link to an assignment calendar that creates steps needed to complete an assignment.
Cynthia J. O'Hora
Mrs. O's House: Time Capsule Show What You Know
Students will assemble a time capsule full of tidbits of information they feel would be useful for the next class to study and learn successfully.
Total Success Courses: Time Management Training
This site from Total Success Courses briefly discusses time management and lists some "Time Stealers" that waste your time.
Bucks County Community College: Evaluating Your Schedule
This site will help you determine how you are spending your time, and improve your time management skills to improve your study habits.
Reading Methods: Sq3 R
Do you have problems concentrating on your reading? Do you forget what you read the minute you finish? Following the five steps of SQ3R can help you to process and remember what you read.
Network for Instructional Tv: Teaching Study Skills: A Guide for Parents
Do you want to help your child study but don't know what practical solutions you can employ? This site offers concrete plans for parents interested in encouraging proper study habits.
Keene College
Keene State College: No Nonsense Note Taking
This site from Keene State College contains information on the No Nonsense Note-taking Method. Which explains how to take notes correctly and efficiently.
University of Western Ontario: Sound Memory Strategies
This site, which is provided for by the University of Western Ontario, gives suggestions on how to use your memory to become more successful at taking tests.
University of Western Ontario: Managing Test Anxiety
This site, which is provided for by the University of Western Ontario, gives information on how to control test anxiety.
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: Introduction: Homework Tips
This Daily Teaching Tools resource provides a series of tips for homework completion. Students will be able to write a sequence of events more efficiently by using this tool.
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: Efficient Learning: Coming to Class Prepared
This Daily Teaching Tools resource provides an efficient learning strategy. Students will learn strategies to help students come prepared. Links to a classroom organization page are included.
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: Four Guidelines for Learning to Spell
This Daily Teaching Tools resource provides tips that will help students learn how to spell assorted words.
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: Good Listening in Class
This Daily Teaching Tools resource provides an efficient listening tool. Students will be able to listen more effectively by following steps provided on this resource.
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: Tips for Test Taking
This Daily Teaching Tools resource provides test taking tips for students. The following are a few of the tips included: QAR, pacing, and underlining.
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: Use Acronyms to Remember Information
This Daily Teaching Tools resource provides an efficient learning strategy. Students will learn how to use acronyms as a study tool.
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: Homework Tips for Teachers
This Daily Teaching Tools resource provides homework tips. These tips are geared toward teachers to help them assign a age-appropriate quantities that can be evaluated efficiently.
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: Student Planners
This Daily Teaching Tools resource provides an efficient learning strategy. Students will learn the importance of using a planner to help track assignments and upcoming tests.
How to Study: Good Listening in Class
Eight tips on how to improve your listening skills in the classroom so that you gain more from lectures and discussions.
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: The Slow Student
This Daily Teaching Tools resource provides an explanation of ways to assist students who need differentiated instruction. This article focuses on ways to assist student who struggle with keeping up with the pace in the classroom.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Book Reports: Reading and Taking Notes
This lesson discusses reading and taking notes in preparation for a book report.
Mind Tools
Mind Tools: Sq3 R Retention of Written Information
SQ3R is a useful technique for fully absorbing written information. It helps you to create a good mental framework of a subject, into which you can fit facts correctly. It helps you to set study goals. It also prompts you to use the...
Class Flow: Note Taking for Social Studies
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart covers how to read a historical text and convert information into visual representations by taking notes. This strategy helps students to read a passage and determine the author's purpose.
Class Flow: Snowy Agenda
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is a seasonal agenda. You can change the order of subjects to match your schedule. You can include time also. You or a student can use the pen tool to document the day's schedule.