Ohio Department of Education: Third Grade Achievement Test (Practice Test) [Pdf]
Half-length practice test for the third grade OAT (Ohio Achievement Test). The test includes 15 multiple-choice and 5 open-response question dealing with topics such as measurement (time, angles, ruler), data analysis (bar graphs,...
Ohio Department of Education: Fifth Grade Achievement Test (Practice Test) [Pdf]
Half-length practice test for the third grade OAT (Ohio Achievement Test). The test includes 17 multiple-choice and 3 open-response question dealing with topics such as measurement (unit conversion, time), geometry (volume, area), data...
Ohio Department of Education: Sixth Grade Achievement Test (Practice Test) [Pdf]
Half-length practice test for the third grade OAT (Ohio Achievement Test). The test includes 17 multiple-choice and 4 open-response question dealing with topics such as geometry (triangle identification, surface area), number sense...
Ode: Seventh Grade Achievement Test (Practice Test) [Pdf]
Half-length practice test for the third grade OAT (Ohio Achievement Test). The test includes 17 multiple-choice and 4 open-response questions dealing with topics such as number sense (order of operations, ratios), measurement (metric...
Ohio Department of Education: Eighth Grade Achievement Test (Practice Test)[pdf]
Half-length practice test for the eighth grade OAT (Ohio Achievement Test). The test includes 15 multiple-choice and 4 open-response questions dealing with topics such as geometry (comparing volumes, angle measures), data analysis...
Wikipedia: Psychological Testing
Provides detailed information on psychological testing, describing its history and the many types of tests.
Parent's Guide to No Child Left Behind [Pdf]
This five page documents outlines the mandates of NCLB and how this impacts students. This pdf is directed towards parents who would like to learn more about NCLB and standardized testing.
Project Appleseed: What Should Parents Know About Standardized Testing?
What are standardized tests? How and why do schools use them? These are common concerns for parents who want to help their child prepare for testing. Learn more about standardized tests on this site and how you can help your child succeed.
Scholastic: Family Matters: Standardized Tests
The expectations of standardized tests can often be confusing and intimidating. Information on these issues can be found in this article. A list of test taking tips from teachers is provided here as well.