Cnn: World
The Cable News Network (CNN) provides the latest news, issues, and events occurring in the world today. Content includes the top international headlines, including specialized focus on Africa, the Americas, the Asia-Pacific region,...
World Press Review Online
Find overviews of issues from international perspectives, views of U.S. from abroad.
Cnn: Europe
CNN presents the top news, issues and events in Europe today. This specialized "edition" of CNN is complete with world news, the weather, business coverage, sports, technology and entertainment coverage, plus much more.
Bbc News: Inside Europe
This site focuses on the current events of the European Union. The items included are news stories, photos, country profiles, maps, and much more on this thorough site.
Bbc News: Europe
BBC, the world renown news organization provides up to the minute news events around Europe on this site.
EIN News
Ei Central Europe Online
Central Europe Online provides the latest news, issues, and events throughout central Europe (Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and the Balkans). Website also provides an elaborate directory of...
Msnbc News: International
MSNBC provides the top headlines in international news. Includes a section on the news of Europe.
Bbc World Service: News: Europe Today
BBC presents the latest European news. Content includes the recent BBC programs, "Letters from Europe," plus much more.