Si Spain: Visogothic Kingdom
This resource provides information on the reign of the Visigoths in the Iberian Peninsula, beginning of the 5th century to 711.
Si Spain: Muslim Spain
This article provides a brief description of Spain during the Moorish presence in the country, 711-1492.
The Norse Settlers in the New World
Features a time line of the events of the Viking voyages to Canada. Identifies different events that occurred during this time period of early Viking exploration.
Ducksters: Middle Ages for Kids: Vikings
Students learn about the Scandinavian raiders on long boat and ships from Denmark and Sweden called the Vikings during the Middle Ages and Medieval times on this website.
Stephen Byrne
History for Kids: Canute the Great
History for Kids provides an overview for elementary students on Canute the Great, who was king of Denmark, Norway and England in the 11th Century AD. Links to teacher resources include worksheets, quizzes and activities.
Bbc: Bitesize History: How Did the Vikings Fight?
Take a look at Viking warriors and learn how they fought.
Viking Ship House Museum in Oslo
Great pictures of a Viking ship housed in a museum in Oslo, Norway. Incredible work of art!
Siteseen: Land of the Brave: Leif Ericson Facts
Covers information about the life of Leif Ericson and his involvement in the exploration and the discovery of the New World leading to the colonization of America.
Pbs Teachers:nordic Sagas: Viking Ships
Research Viking ship design and the technological innovations they invented to improve transportation. Construct a wind-powered model of a Viking ship and examine the relationship between rudder shape, placement and steering angle.
Si Spain: La Espana Musulmana
This resource provides a description of Spain during the Moorish presence in the country, 711-1492. This is good as an introduction to the topic, but does not go into great depth.