Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Food (La Comida): Listening/dialogs
Wonderful, extensive site for Spanish-speaking ELL. In this section, students listen to a couple of short audio clip dialogs in English and then answer interactive comprehension questions. Several activities provided - instructions in...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: House (La Casa)
Great tool for teaching Spanish-speaking English Language Learners (ELL). This vocabulary lesson focuses on: Rooms of the house and furniture. A variety of interactive, self-correcting exercises are provided to reinforce material...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: House (La Casa): Pronunciation/sonidos
Extensive site focusing on Spanish-speaking ELL. This section practices sound recognition - contrasts "b" and "v" sounds as in "very/bury." Great interactive listening comprehension exercises reinforce teachings. Site has a "Teacher's...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: The House of the Future
Extensive site for teaching Spanish-speaking ELLs about words used to describe homes and the things found in them. Instructions are in Spanish; exercises in English.
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Family (La Familia) Vocabulary
Great tool for teaching Spanish-speaking English language learners (ELL). This vocabulary lesson focuses on family vocabulary. A variety of interactive, self-correcting exercises are provided to reinforce the material presented. Audio is...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Family (La Familia)
Extensive site focusing on Spanish-speaking ELL. This section practices sound recognition - contrasts short "e" and "i" sounds as in "bill/bell". Great interactive listening comprehension exercises reinforce teachings. Site has a...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Martha's Family
Wonderful, extensive site for Spanish-speaking ELL. In this section, students listen to a couple of short audio clip dialogs in English and then answer interactive comprehension questions. Several activities provided - instructions in...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Work (El Trabajo)
Great tool for teaching Spanish-speaking English Language Learners (ELL). This vocabulary lesson focuses on: jobs, ordinals, days, months, dates, verbs. A variety of interactive, self-correcting exercises are provided to reinforce...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Work (El Trabajo) Pronunciation
Extensive site focusing on Spanish-speaking ELL. This section practices sound recognition. It contrasts "th" (vocalized) & "th" (not vocalized). Great interactive listening comprehension exercises reinforce teachings. There is also a...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Work (El Trabajo) Reading
A reading exercise that teaches Spanish-speaking ELLs about different kinds of work and the vocabulary used to describe jobs. Instructions in Spanish; exercise in English.
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: People (La Gente)
Great tool for teaching Spanish-speaking English Language Learners (ELL). This vocabulary lesson focuses on: opposites, colors, words for describing people. A variety of interactive, self-correcting exercises are provided to reinforce...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: People (La Gente)
Extensive site focusing on Spanish-speaking ELL. This section practices sound recognition - contrasts "sh" & "ch". Great interactive listening comprehension exercises reinforce teachings. Site has a "Teacher's Lounge," for suggested...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: School (La Escuela)
This site focuses on Spanish-speaking ELL. This section practices sound recognition-contrasts "pen/pan, said/sad," etc. Great interactive listening comprehension exercises reinforce teachings.
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: School Vocabulary
Wonderful, extensive set of exercises about school matters designed for Spanish-speaking ELLs. Instructions are in Spanish; exercises in English.
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: School (La Escuela)
Wonderful site for Spanish speaking ELL. Beginning level has instructions in Spanish and an excellent variety of activities focusing (in this section), on alphabet, numbers, time, classroom vocabulary, school subjects, titles. Auditory...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: School (La Escuela)
Useful, extensive site for the Spanish-speaking ELL. This grammar section focuses on use of the articles "a/an" and plurals. A variety of interactive, self-correction exercises are provided. A "Teacher's Lounge," section is available...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: School (La Escuela): Listening Dialog
This site for Spanish-speaking English language learners. Students listen to a short dialog between two students who discuss their new class schedules. Presented in both written and auditory formats, students answer comprehension...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: The Future: Vocabulary
Great tool for teaching Spanish-speaking English Language Learners (ELL). This lesson focuses on miscellaneous vocabulary. A variety of interactive, self-correcting exercises are provided to reinforce the material presented. Audio...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Robots (Reading Comprehension Exercise)
A reading comprehension exercise designed for Spanish-speaking ELLs about the present and future use of robots. Instructions are in Spanish; exercise is in English.
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Weather: Vocabulary (El Tiempo)
Great tool for teaching Spanish-speaking English Language Learners (ELL). This vocabulary lesson focuses on: weather vocabulary, seasons. A variety of interactive, self-correcting exercises are provided to reinforce material presented -...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Weather Pronunciation
Extensive site focusing on Spanish-speaking ELL. This section practices sound recognition. Great interactive listening comprehension exercises reinforce teachings. Site has a "Teacher's Lounge" for suggested follow-up activities....
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: The Windy City (Reading Comprehension)
A series of exercises about the weather in Chicago that tests reading comprehension of Spanish-speaking ELLs. Instructions are in Spanish; exercises and readings in English.
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Planning a Vacation
Wonderful, extensive site for Spanish-speaking ELL. In this section, students listen to a couple of short audio clip dialogs and view a written dialog in English and then answer interactive comprehension questions. Several activities...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Animals (Animales)
Great tool for teaching Spanish-speaking English Language Learners (ELL). This vocabulary lesson focuses on animals. A variety of interactive, self-correcting exercises are provided to reinforce material presented - audio available....