Olga, Helen, Yuri and Sergey Mataev
Olga's Gallery: Eugene Louis Boudin
This online gallery has nice selection of the works of Eugene-Louis Boudin (1824-1898 CE). Also contains a short biography of the artist.
Olga, Helen, Yuri and Sergey Mataev
Olga's Gallery: Edouard Manet
This site has a gallery of the works of Edouard Manet (1832-1883 CE). Contains a short biography of the artist.
Olga, Helen, Yuri and Sergey Mataev
Olga's Gallery: Claude Monet
Online gallery has over 180 paintings by Monet (1840-1926 CE) Includes concise biography.
Olga, Helen, Yuri and Sergey Mataev
Olga's Gallery: Berthe Morisot
Online gallery has over 20 paintings by Morisot (1841-1895 CE) Includes concise biography.
Olga, Helen, Yuri and Sergey Mataev
Olga's Gallery: Paul Cezanne
Online gallery has over 100 paintings by Cezanne (1839-1906 CE) Includes concise biography.
Le Conjugueur: The Conjugator
Great resource that provides full French conjugations of verbs as well as a feature that allows input of an already conjugated verb form and returns the infinitive.
La Guinguette
A resource for learners of French, this weekly magazine offers updates on French current events (with an emphasis on cultural and societal news), along with RealAudio commentary and study aids.
Texas State Historical Association
Texas State Historical Association: Early European Exploration and Development
A chronological timeline of early European exploration and development in Texas spanning from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries.
Internet Movie Database: Francois Truffaut
The Internet Movie Database provides a biography, image, and complete filmography of writer Francois Truffaut.
Internet Movie Database: Jean Luc Godard
This Internet Movie Database site provides a mini-biography and complete filmography of Jean-Luc Godard.
Internet Movie Database: Claude Berri
The Internet Movie Database provides a biography, filmography, and various information on the films of Claude Berri.
Blackdog Media
Classic Reader: The Fortune of the Rougons by Emile Zola
This is the full text of the French novel The Fortune of the Rougons by Emile Zola, the first book in the first book in Les Rougon-Macquart series.
Verbix: Verb Conjugations & Grammar: French
Enter a verb and see the full conjugation in all tenses. Easy to use except that accents are necessary. The site provides a method to add accents. Other Verbix language exercises available from the "On-line conjugator," link.
Enchanted Learning
Enchanted Learning: Little Explorers French English Picture Dictionary
This charming picture dictionary engages young students whose first language is French, and encourage reading and vocabulary building. There are also activity pages which can be printed for classroom use.
Enchanted Learning
Enchanted Learning: Little Explorers French English Picture Dictionary
This charming picture dictionary engages young students whose first language is French, and encourage reading and vocabulary building. There are also activity pages which can be printed for classroom use.
TES Global
Tes: Languages and the Olympics
[Free Registration/Login Required] During this three week Olympics unit, primary students will pair with secondary students. Students will learn basic French and Spanish vocabulary through music and physical education activities.
Nations Online Project
Nations Online: France
Features a broad country profile of the European nation of France, background overview, and numerous links to in-depth information on the nation's culture, history, geography, economy, environment, population, news, tourism, government,...
L'anglais Des Affaires : Business English Glossary
Businsess terminology - English/French or French/English listing of terms relating to business, banking, buying, selling etc. Very easy to use - has some phrases e.g. "cancel an order" = "annuler une commande".
Columbia University
The Imparfait vs. the Passe Compose Ii
This site from London's Transport Museum provides a series of six exercises covering Le Passe Compose (Avoir and Etre), L?Imparfait, Le Present, Le Futur, Le Conditionnel. Students can print out their answers to check them, and they are...
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Modern History Sourcebook: Leon Gambetta: The Belleville Manifesto
This is the manifesto that gives Gambetta's reply to the electors demands and his opposition to the Second Empire.
University of Texas at Austin
Tex's French Grammar: Il Y a vs. Voici Voila
This site from the Tex's French Grammar is a wonderful site that explains clearly the distinction between il y a and voici/voila and their usage in French - Has written and audio examples as well as listening comprehension and...
University of Texas at Austin
Tex's French Grammar: Determiners Quantity Expressions
This site from Tex's French Grammar is a wonderful site with clear explanation of determiners when used to express quantity, with usage examples (written and audio) and interactive practice exercises (written and audio).
University of Texas at Austin
Tex's French Grammar: Demonstrative Determiners
This site from Tex's French Grammar is a wonderful site with clear explanation of demonstrative determiners, with written and audio usage examples, (dialogues), and interactive practice exercises, (fill in the blank).