Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Applications of Operant Conditioning in Daily Life
Questions related to operant conditioning.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Applications of Hard Soft Acid Base Theory
Questions related to the electronic structure and atomic chemical behavior of acid and bases.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Antenatal Depression and Anxiety in Pakistan
Antenatal Depression and Anxiety in Pakistan.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Using the Right Hand Rule
Physicists use a hand mnemonic known as the right-hand rule to help remember the direction of magnetic forces. The right-hand rule is based on the underlying physics that relates magnetic fields and the forces that they exert on moving...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Types of Flaws
On the LSAT (as well as in real life), you'll encounter some types of flawed arguments more often than others. This article features some of the flaws that you're most likely to see on Test Day. The faster you can recognize these common...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Types of Evidence
It can be useful to separate and identify different types of evidence used in an argument to support a conclusion. There are many ways to support a conclusion; this article will walk through some of the most common ones that you may see...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Types of Conclusions
You might find it helpful to categorize the kind of conclusion you're dealing with as you approach passages that contain arguments on the LSAT. Your success in analyzing arguments-passages with a conclusion and supporting evidence-starts...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Ap Computer Science Principles Exam Overview
An overview of what to expect on the AP Computer Science Principles exam.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Clarifying Meaning Quick Guide
In a given text, words and phrases do not appear in isolation but are embedded in the context of a narrative, an argument, an explanation, and so on. Accordingly, clarifying meaning questions test your ability to identify contextually...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Strongly Supported Inferences Quick Guide
A quick guide to approaching questions that ask you to identify something that is "strongly supported." On questions that ask you to find the choice that is most strongly supported by a stimulus, the answer does not have to be...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Strongly Supported Inferences Learn More
How do we recognize what is "strongly supported?" Some questions on the logical reasoning section of the LSAT ask what additional information is supported by a stimulus. These are similar to questions that ask you to identify the...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Inferences About Information Quick Guide
Some questions in the Reading Comprehension section will ask you to make an inference about information in the passage. The answer may not be explicitly stated in the passage, but it will be supported by the content of the passage. In...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Getting Started With Reading Comprehension
Explains what to expect on the Reading Comprehension portion of the LSAT test and how to prepare yourself.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Necessary Assumptions Quick Guide
A quick guide to approaching questions that ask you to find an assumption required by the argument. This question asks you to identify the claim that must be true or is required in order for the argument to work. In other words, there is...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Identify the Role Learn More
Some questions ask you to describe the individual role that a statement is playing in a larger argument. These questions require you to understand the statement in question, but even more important is your understanding of its context...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: What's the 2020 Macroeconomics Exam Format?
An overview of the 2020 AP Macroeconomics Exam Format
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Why Rabbits Can Digest Cellulose
A practice reading passage over the gastrointestinal system.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Purpose of Reference Quick Guide
Purpose of reference questions ask you to identify why the author referred to something in a certain part of the text. In other words, what was the point of including the reference?
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Principles and Analogies Quick Guide
Analogy questions ask you to identify a situation that is analogous to the one described in the passage. Principle questions ask you to identify the principle that is at work. This guide offers tips on how to recognize and respond to...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Recognition Quick Guide
How do you approach Recognition questions? Perhaps the most basic task of Reading Comprehension on the LSAT is that of recognizing things that the passage text states on a literal, explicit level, so these types of questions may seem...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Primary Purpose Quick Guide
Primary purpose questions ask us to identify why the author may have written the passage. As you read through the passage the first time, it's a good idea to always be asking yourself: "So what?" "What's the point?"
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Organizing Information Quick Guide
Organizing information questions ask you to understand and analyze how a passage works to make an argument. What is the progression of ideas in the passage? or What is the purpose of a specific paragraph?
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Main Point Quick Guide
The first question in most Reading Comprehension sets will ask you to identify the statement that best expresses the central idea or the main point that the passage as a whole is designed to convey.