British Library
British Library: Caribbean Views
Learn about plantation life during the 18th and 19th centuries by viewing images, maps, and text material in this virtual exhibition from the British Library. Writer Mike Phillips gives his personal interpretation of this exhibit on...
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: Jules Verne Lesson Plans
What books did Jules Verne write? Find the answer to this question when you visit this informative website featuring lesson plans for "20,000 Leagues under the Sea," and more.
University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota: Sugar Trade in the West Indies and Brazil
Good overview of the development of the sugar trade in the New World and the use of slavery that "made sugar production the most profitable cultivation in either the Americas or Europe."
My Hero Project
My Hero: Jules Verne
Jules Verne, who wrote over 80 books during his lifetime, is best known for his "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea." This article includes several images and related links.