Number Nut: Numbers and Counting: Comparing Amounts One Through Ten Activity
Quiz where the player compares two numbers between one and ten, which are represented by numerals and dots.
Number Nut: Numbers and Counting: Comparing Numbers One Through Thirty Activity
Quiz where the player compares two numbers between one and thirty, and states whether the first number is less than, equal to, or greater than the second number.
Number Nut: Subtraction: Comparing Subtraction Differences (One Digit Numbers)
Quiz where the player must calculate the answers for two one-digit subtraction problems, and then must choose the correct symbol for comparing the differences (i.e., >, <, or =).
Number Nut: Multiplication: Comparing Multiplication Products (No Carrying)
Quiz where the player calculates the answers for two multiplication questions involving one- and two-digit numbers, with no regrouping, and then chooses the correct symbol for comparing the products (i.e., >, <, or =).
Number Nut: Multiplication: Comparing Multiplication Products (With Carrying)
Quiz where the player calculates the answers for two multiplication questions involving one- and two-digit numbers, with regrouping, and then chooses the correct symbol for comparing the products (i.e., >, <, or =).
Number Nut: Subtraction: Comparing Subtraction Differences (With Regrouping)
Quiz where the player must calculate the answers for two subtraction problems with one- and two-digit numbers, where there is regrouping, and then must choose the correct symbol for comparing the differences (i.e., >, <, or =).
Number Nut: Subtraction: Comparing Subtraction Differences (No Regrouping)
Quiz where the player must calculate the answers for two subtraction problems with one- and two-digit numbers, where there is no regrouping, and then must choose the correct symbol for comparing the differences (i.e., >, <, or =).
Number Nut: Subtraction: Comparing Subtraction Differences (Up to Two Digits)
Quiz where the player must calculate the answers for two subtraction problems with one- and two-digit numbers, and then must choose the correct symbol for comparing the differences (i.e., >, <, or =).
Number Nut: Subtraction: Comparing Subtraction Differences (Two Digit Numbers)
Quiz where the player must calculate the differences for two two-digit subtraction problems, and then must choose the correct symbol for comparing these (i.e., >, <, or =).