University of Victoria (Canada)
Study Zone: Forming the Simple Past Tense (Regular Verbs)
Students type the past tense of verbs in parentheses into the boxes provided throughout the paragraph and then check answers.
University of Victoria (Canada)
Study Zone: Simple Past: Regular and Irregular Verbs
This practice quiz asks students to type the simple past tense of given regular and irregular verbs into boxes provided throughout a paragraph.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: The Simple Future
This slideshow lesson focuses on the simple future verb tense; it provides background about verb tenses, defines simple future, offers examples, and alerts the reader about the use of contractions, such as I'll for I will.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: The Simple Future
This lesson focuses on the simple future verb tense; it defines it, explains how it is formed, and provides sentences for students to practice identifying simple future verb with answers that follow.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: The Simple Past
Nine slides introducing the simple past verb tense and providing examples of both regular and irregular simple past tense verb conjugation.
Bbc: Skillswise: Past, Present, or Future Tense
This Skillswise site focuses on verb tenses. Included are a video about why learning about tenses is important, fact sheets and worksheets for instruction, quizzes on the information presented, and games to practice the skill. The...
University of Victoria (Canada)
Study Zone: Simple Present Tense 1
In this present tense exercise, students select the words that best complete the sentences.