University of Illinois
University of Illinois: Mste: How Much Do Baseball Players Really Make?
An interesting real-world use of statistical variance and standard deviation to help dispell the common perception that all major league baseball players are paid millions of dollars and are not worth it. The lesson plan gives specific...
Fayetteville State Univ.: Analysis of Variance (Anova)
A brief discussion of ANOVA, statistical Analysis of Variance, where the variability between two conditions is observed. An example is provided to assist the user in understanding.
University of Illinois
University of Illinois: Mste: Is There a Standard for All This Deviation?
Site contains information on the statistical term standard deviation. It gives a definition and shows how to calculate it. It has a link to information on the absolute value of a deviation and how the topics are related.
University of Illinois
University of Illinois: A "Vary" Nice Picture
Site from the University of Illinois contains a graphical representation of variance. A follow-up question for the user and a link to standard deviation - a related statistical topic - are also provided.