Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Introductions, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusions
This handout focuses on what an exploratory or inquiry paper is and how to write the introduction including the questions you need to answer and setting the context, stating why the main idea is important, and stating your research...
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Academic Writing: Essay Writing
An overview of essay writing in general with additional pages discussing descriptive, narrative, expository, and argumentative essays.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Writing About Literature
Purdue University's Writing Lab offers some hints and tips for writing about literature, including how to construct a thesis and how to handle secondary material.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Writing Skills: Formulaic vs. Organic Structure
This lesson focuses on the difference between formulaic writing such as the five-paragraph essay and an organic structure that puts forward an arguable statement.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Introduction to Writing About Literature
This is an introduction to writing about literature; it includes a list of learning objectives for writing about literature including finding and using historical sources to discuss the historical context, finding and using literary...
Wisc Online: Ged Essay Writing Formula for Success
In this learning module, students review the format for a five-paragraph essay, which is the second part of the GED Writing Test.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Organizing an Exploratory Essay
This handout focuses on organizing exploratory or inquiry essays including the introduction, the body paragraphs, and the conclusion. W.11-12.2 Informative
University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin: Writing Center: Formatting Science Reports
This site outlines the necessary elements of a scientific report. The site is broken down into the follow segments: title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion. Within each section is a contents section as well as a...
Arts Now Learning: Personal Storytelling With Accordion Books [Pdf]
In this lesson, students use the structure of an accordion book to identify parts of an essay: introduction, three supporting details, and conclusion. They then compose a personal story using events from the past school year and plan the...
Tidewater Community Colleg Writing Center: Essay Planning and Writing Guidelines
Presents guidelines for how to plan and write an essay.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: I Am What I Learn Video Scholarship Essay Contest
This lesson provides young scholars with the opportunity to explore a variety of available scholarships to determine which scholarships may be sources of funding for college. Students will create a video essay which will be used to apply...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Sample Essay 1 With Admissions Feedback
This article gives multiple samples of college admission essays that have been evaluated by college admissions officers.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: How to Look Clever Without Even Trying Part 2
Are you happy with your essay writing style? Could you improve your coursework marks? Check out these quick tips for essay writing from Cambridge University's English department.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: About the Writing Sample
On Test Day, you'll be asked to write one sample essay after you've completed the scored sections of the LSAT. The writing sample isn't scored, but copies are sent to all law schools to which you apply. This article gives tips on writing...
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Use Precise Language and Domain Specific Vocabulary
This site provides 17 English language arts lessons for 7th grade. Grade-level standards are provided.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Writing Tips and Techniques for Your College Essay
This article gives the reader writing tips and techniques for your college essay.
Joe Landsberger
Study Guides & Strategies: Writing Persuasive Essays
This site focuses on the student learning how to write strong persuasive essays. Strategies are provided to help the student complete a persuasive writing assignment.
Writing Den: Essay Builder
Site that gives an overview and general rules in how to write an essay. Sections include Parts of an Essay, How to Write an Essay, and Kinds of Essays.
Guide to Writing a Basic Essay
Step by step guidelines to the process of essay writing. Basic, but helpful.
Writing Den: Essay Builder: Definition Essay
General information and guidelines about writing definition essays. Be sure to look over the entire site for lots of information about writing.
Hamilton: Essentials of Effective Persuasive Essays
This resource provides good insight on how to structure a well organized effective persuasive essay.
Class Flow: Writing a Report or Essay
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is intended for grades 3-5 and outlines the steps in writing a report or essay.
Class Flow: Document Based Question Essays
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart contains 10 successful strategies for writing DBQ essays and graphic organizers to prepare 8th grade Social Studies students for the New York State assessment.