National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion: Aparatos Circulatorio Y Excretor
This unit explores two important systems related to the functions of nutrition: the circulatory and excretory system. It contains 9 interactive activities.
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion: Las Funciones De Los Seres Vivos
This unit will present to you some of the vital role of all living beings: nurture, communication and reproduction.
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion: Los Seres Vivos Unicelulares Y Pluricelulares
For this unit you will be introduced to the complexity of living things. It also reviews the kingdom of nature, differentiating between their main features from those who are microscopic unit-cellular to the multi-cellular visible to the...
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
De Paul University: Center for Urban Education: Nutrition Lesson [Pdf]
"Nutrition Lesson" is a one page, nonfiction passage about protein including what it does in the body and what foods contain protein. It is followed by questions which require students to provide evidence from the story; it includes...
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Mc Donald's Cup Sizes Around the World
Ready to super size that soda? Buzzfeed produced this clever video comparing the various soda cup sizes from countries around the world. Which country has largest option to consume soda? [1:05]
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: How to Spot a Fad Diet
Conventional wisdom about diets, including government health recommendations, seems to change all the time. And yet ads routinely come out claiming to have THE answer about what we should eat. So how do we distinguish what's actually...
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: What's the Big Deal With Gluten?
If you've been to a restaurant in the last few years, you've likely seen the words gluten-free written somewhere on the menu. But what exactly is gluten, and why can't some people process it? And why does it only seem to be a problem...
Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic: Vitamin and Mineral Supplements
This site from the contains an article entitled, "Using vitamin and mineral supplements wisely". Focuses on the right balance of minerals and vitamins, but shows the benefits of whole foods as well.
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Jefferson Lab: Reading Passages: Digestion and Nutrition
Read and fill in the blanks of this passage explaining digestion and nutrition. Each blank has a dropdown menu with choices. When you finish, click CHECK MY ANSWERS. If you pick a wrong answer, the right answer will be displayed along...
American Council on Science and Health
The American Council on Science and Health provides headline health news as well as publishes its latest findings on important health and environmental topics.
Cardiovascular Disease: Facts, Prevention, Treatment
This site discusses lifestyle changes, nutrients, and medical options and precautions.
Ask the Dietitian: Dietitian or Nutritionist
Easy-to-read questions and answers. A lot of questions about what a dietitian does, how to train to be one, and related issues.
All About Food Labels: What's in a Food Label
Detailed description of food labels, including example labels, charts and graphs. Lots of information about what is in a food labels.
Nutrition, Health & Heart Disease
This website provides information about nutrition, health, and heart disease. It also discusses specific types of vitamin and mineral supplements you can take to improve or maintain your health.
Austin Nutritional Research: Reference Guide for Minerals
This site provides a reference guide to various minerals found in your daily diet. The site offers an overview of each mineral, explains the importance of each, and identifies the deficiency symptoms. Links to related information are...
Folic Acid
This resource provides basic information on folic acid and an explanation and common symptoms of folic acid deficiency.
Ifpri: Ecoregional Perspective on Malnutrition (Pdf) [Pdf]
This site provides an eco-regional perspective on the issue of malnutrition with charts on prevalance in different areas.
US Food and Drug Administration
U.s. Food and Drug Administration: The Food Label
Read about how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, through the use of food label, plans to make Americans informed consumers of food. Here, you can learn about the sections of the food label and read definitions of the terms like...
McGraw Hill
Glencoe: Online Study Tools: Self Check Quiz on Nutrition and Personal Fitness
The online assessment demonstrates knowledge of diet and nutrition. The questions evaluate students on nutrition and their personal fitness.
This is a comprehensive resource for information pertaining to health, nutrition and well being. Explore this site to learn more about food safety, food facts, health management and more.
Indiana University
Area 10 Math and Technology Project: Nutrition Labels
Lesson Plan involving all aspects of reading a nutrition label. Emphasizes math skills. Includes links to a teacher outline, student copies and reference materials.
McGraw Hill
Glencoe Online Learning Center: "It's Your Health" Podcast Activities
Listen to podcasts that discuss many aspects of teen health. What an easy way to absorb information. Included are activity sheets for review.
Nourish Interactive: Kids' Fun Food Games
Use this site filled with games to explore good nutrition, healthy snacks, exercise, and reading food labels. The interactive games are entertaining and the information is extensive.
McGraw Hill
Glencoe Biology: Nutrition: Self Check Quiz
Try these five multiple-choice questions about nutrition. After submitting answers, students can review the material.