Curated OER
Cloze Passage: Lim Bo Seng
Use this Cloze activity worksheet in your vocabulary lesson or unit about World War II. After reading a passage about Lim Bo Seng, a guerrilla warrior from Singapore, sixth graders fill in twelve blank spaces using context clues. The...
Curated OER
Why do wars occur?
Understanding the causes of war is one way (possibly) to prevent it. World War II is used as a case study to facilitate an understanding of reasons why wars start. Topics covered included Totalitarianism, scarcity of resources, need for...
Curated OER
What Concepts are being presented
World War II, WWII, the Holocaust, the Rise of the Nazi Empire, Concentration Camps, the effect on children. The first 9 slides are of images and scenes of WWII, Black and white photography Slides 10 to 20 show present day photos of...
Curated OER
Adolph Hitler
A collage of stark images from World War II compose the background of this presentation about Adolph Hitler. The infamous leader's childhood, rise to power, and eventual defeat are detailed in these slides, filling in many gaps that...
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Italian Fascism
By first defining the characteristics and ideology of fascism, this presentation makes it easy for viewers to contextualize the rise of Mussolini in post-WWI Italy. Not only thorough and informative, the pictures and concepts featured in...
Curated OER
American Foreign Policy: 1920 - 1941
Take your class through the period between World War I and World War II. Covering various treaties and pacts between America and its neighbors - namely, Japan, Germany, and the Soviet Union- these slides could inspire some political...
Curated OER
World War II
Offering a comprehensive overview of the beginning of World War II, this resource could be a useful addition to a unit on this topic. It could be used as a way to lead a discussion on the war, or as a review tool before a test. Either...
Curated OER
Baseball Challenge: 5th Grade Social Studies
Quickly review facts relating to U.S. History in a Baseball Challenge presentation. The information relates to branches of government, the Vietnam War, WWII, and other key events.
Curated OER
The Allies Win the War
This PowerPoint clearly outlines many elements that contributed to the Allied Forces winning WWII. Topics covered are wartime technology, D-Day, The Holocaust, Perl Harbor, the Atomic Bomb and how winning the war changed the face of the...
Curated OER
As a review of information learned about Word War II, this would be a great resource. In a format using pictures, diagrams and lists of information, the presentation provides a look at the key topics. Both visually attractive and...
Curated OER
World War 2: Facts
Useful as a simplistic introduction, this resource provides basic information regarding WWII. Learners can read about the first steps taken by Adolph Hitler, Neville Chamberlain, and the end result of the war.
Curated OER
Jobs During WWII
Kids can consider the types of jobs people did during WWII. They'll look at six different images of people working. They then answer two to three questions to determine what job is being shown. Tip: Have learners pick out evidence from...
Curated OER
WWII German Submarine Warfare: U505
Students research how the capture of a German submarine by the Allies affected the outcome of WWII. In this WWII lesson, students complete a KWL chart. Students research primary source documents online and answer discussion questions.
Curated OER
World War II New Guinea Campaign
Although the big picture for this lesson on the New Guidea Campaign of WWII is taking a field trip to the Douglas MacArthur Memorial, you can easily use it as a guide to an independent or group research project as well. However, if you...
Curated OER
All Quiet on the Western Front: Quiz
Ten online questions are provided in this quiz on the book, All Quiet on the Western Front. While the questions are good and intended to check reading comprehension this site has quite a few unrelated ads.
Curated OER
WWII: Graphic Organizer
Whether they are taking notes or reading their texts, this graphic organizer is sure to help learners focus on the causes and effects of WWII. They fill out the long and short term causes and effect related to WWI.
Curated OER
Graphic Organizer: Holocaust
Help your class process and organize what they've learned about World War II and the Holocaust with a graphic organizer. There are four boxes on this page, two over the word Holocaust and two under. The two on top require learners to...
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The Corps: Counterattack Quiz
Chronicling the events following America's involvement in WWII, this quiz centers on the historical fiction novel Counterattack from W.E.B. Griffin's The Corps series. Ten multiple-choice questions focus mainly on characters from the story.
Curated OER
Who Was Anne Frank
Introduce eyewitness accounts of World War II with this presentation. It provides a very brief summary of the life of Anne Frank, along with several descriptive excerpts from her diary. While the resource appears to have been made by a...
Curated OER
The Rise of Fascism
Students explore the variety of events and the people who would shape Europe during the 1920's, describing how this culminated with the Second World War. They create a timeline of ten pre-war events or people with the corresponding date...
Curated OER
World War II Veteran Interview Project
Learners learn interview skills by formulating questions and videotaping an interview with a veteran.
Curated OER
News Coverage WWII
Learners explore how Americans were affected by news coverage of World War II.
Curated OER
What is an Evacuee?
What was life like for many children during WWII? Define the word "evacuee" for your class with this simple yet informative presentation. Images and descriptions of the evacuee process are documented in a comprehensible way. Because this...
Curated OER
'Song of the South' a racist tune?
Students read the information about the movie "Song of the South" and watch some of the clips. They write their reaction to the proposal to re-release the movie. Students consider whether it would matter if the studio adds an...