Free Reading
Free Reading: Letter Writing Activities
This invaluable site helps instructors teach students how to handwrite each letter of the alphabet. It includes the amsti sequence to introduce letters, followed by fluency-building activities and accuracy-building activities. Additional...
Storyarts: The on Line Writing Workshop
Storyarts is a free online writing workshop that includes not only assignments, but also publication of writings to other e-mail subscribers through its Storyarts Listserv. Samples of published works are included.
Design a Study: How to Teach Handwriting
Very specific advice on teaching the skill of handwriting to young children. Making correct letters, making letters the same size, and the slant of the letters are all stressed.
Abcteach: Writing
[Free Registration/Login Required] These worksheets give beginning writers the opportunity to practice their skills. In downloadable and printable PDF format (requires Adobe Reader).
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Looking at Writing: Third Grade
In this section, you'll find writing assessment resources, writing strategies, and additional tip sheets for teachers and parents on how to help third graders build strong writing skills. You'll also find videos on teaching writing....
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Looking at Writing: Second Grade
In this section, you'll find writing assessment resources, writing strategies, and additional tip sheets for teachers and parents on how to help second graders build strong writing skills. You'll also find videos on teaching writing....
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Looking at Writing: Kindergarten
In this section, you'll find writing assessment resources, writing strategies, and additional tip sheets for teachers and parents on how to help kindergarteners build strong writing skills. You'll also find video on teaching writing....
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Launching Young Readers: Episode 12: Growing Writers
Find video excerpts from this program on how to build students' writing skills. Includes links to recommended resources and transcripts for the videos.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Looking at Writing: Pre K
In this section, you'll find writing assessment resources, writing strategies, and additional tip sheets for teachers and parents on how to help preschoolers build strong writing skills. You'll also find a video modeling classroom...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Let's Read It!
Five mini-lessons to help young writers develop their writing skills within a Writers Workshop model.
Can Teach
Can Teach: Line Drawing Obstacle Course
Practice important fine motor skills by having students control their pencil, following a line. Teacher lesson plan for K-1st.
Can Teach
Can Teach: Class Book Ideas: Story Frames
This site discusses how story frames are a great way to support emergent writers in the classroom. Lots of story prompts and writing frames to use in a K-2 classroom.
Handwriting for Kids: Lowercase Alphabet Animation
At first glance, this simply appears to be a list of cursive letters; however, if you place your cursor over each letter, the way to write it is shown using animation. Click on a letter to show that letter by itself.