Yale University
Avalon Project: Charter of Georgia: 1732
This website provides a full-text of the Charter of Georgia written in 1732. Includes link to webpage with links to other colonial charters.
Net state.com: Introduction to Georgia
This NetState.com article describes the events that led up to Oglethorpe's settlement in Georgia which include the obtaining of a charter from George II.
PublicBookshelf Corporation
History of Colonial Georgia
An excerpt from Volume 1 of "Our Country", a book published in the late 1800s which discusses the settlement and growth of Georgia in the 18th century.
Independence Hall Association
U.s. History: Southern Colonies: Debtors in Georgia
Georgia, the last colony founded by England, was established for competing reasons. Read about James Oglethorpe's vision for a utopian colony, and find out about why that vision failed, but the colony survived.
Independence Hall Association
U.s. History: Shays' Rebellion
Read about the Massachusetts government's handling of the crushing debt felt by the farmers in western Massachusetts and the resulting rebellion by those farmers.