Primary Games
Primary Games: Treasure Trove
This activity focuses on students understanding of contractions. Students read the word on the treasure chest, then select the correct contraction to open the treasure.
Quia: Singular and Plural Possessive Nouns
Flashcards offers an electronic version of flashcards to practice singular and plural possessive nouns. On the front of each card is a noun; click on the card to reveal the possessive of that noun.
Quia: Singular and Plural Nouns
This Concentration-style has students match singular and possessive nouns with their plural forms while remembering where each of the match pairs are located. Java Script is required.
Quia: Singular and Plural Possessive Nouns
This matching game has students match the singular and plural possessive nouns to their plural forms while remembering the location of each pair. Java is required.