EL Education
El Education: Blueprints With Four Drafts
These four drafts of architectural blueprints were created by a 5th/6th grade student from Shutesbury Elementary School, in Shutesbury, Massachusetts, as part of a Learning expedition on Architecture.
EL Education
El Education: Drafts of a Cave Home
This entry shows the progression of the work of one student - from a 5th/6th grade classroom at the Shutesbury Elementary School in Shutesbury, Massachusetts - of a series of cross-sectional illustrations of a prehistoric cave dwelling....
EL Education
El Education: Animal Pictures and Drafts
These first and second drafts of animal illustrations were created by kindergarten students at the Robious Elementary School in Midlothian, Virginia, and are an example of the power of critique and revision even for young students.
EL Education
El Education: Firefly Drafts
These drafts present evidence of critique and revision for two four-year-olds from a preschool in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who were involved in a Learning Expedition on insects. Three versions of two student's scientific illustrations of...