Care: Virtual Field Trips Archive: Ghana
Follow a group of CARE youth ambassadors on their mission to Ghana, as they both learn about the country and provide help in ongoing CARE efforts in Ghana.
Care: Virtual Field Trips Archive: Mali
Learn about the African nation, Mali and the ongoing humantitarian projects of the CARE organization in the country.
Care: Virtual Field Trips Archive: Honduras
Learn about the Central American nation of Honduras as well as the ongoing humanitarian aid projects in the country being fulfiled by the organization CARE.
Care: Virtual Field Trips Archive: Guatemala
Take a virtual field trip to Guatemala along with eight high school students from Atlanta and Chicago as they work with Guatemalan families to fight poverty.
Care: Virtual Field Trips Archive; Peru Ii
Follow a group of 10 CARE youth ambassadors as they visit Peru to learn about the country and it's culture as well as to participate in ongoing humanitarian projects to combat poverty.
Care: Virtual Field Trips Archive; Madagascar
The humanitarian organization CARE presents an informative piece on Madagascar with information about the organizations aid efforts in the African island nation, in this virtual field trip.