Aetna Intelihealth
Aetna: Inteli Health: Esophageal Cancer
Provides information about esophageal cancer. Included are sections on symptoms, treatment, prevention, and much more.
Aetna Intelihealth
Aetna: Inteli Health: Stomach Cancer
Thorough overview of stomach cancer. Provides information on symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and much more.
eSchool Today
E School Today: Your Basic Facts and Tips on Cancer
Explains how cancer develops and spreads, some causes of cancer, different types, how it is diagnosed, signs and symptoms of cancer, treatments, and tips for preventing it.
Dolan Dna Learning Center: Inside Cancer
Multimedia guide to cancer provided by Dolan DNA Learning Center. The site is extremely comprehensive and is divided into four main segments:Hallmarks of Cancer,Causes and Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment, and Pathways to Cancer. The...
National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health
National Cancer Institute: Cancer Topics
This site provides information on virtually every type of cancer. Information can be found on prevention, causes, detection, treatments, research, and support groups.
National Institutes of Health
U.s. Dept of Health and Human Services: Cancer and the Environment [Pdf]
Document provides information on the causes and nature of cancer and particularly the substances in the environment that are known to cause or may cause cancer in humans such as tobacco, ultraviolet radiation, pesticides, and metals.
Aetna Intelihealth
Aetna: Inteli Health: Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer
This site from Intelihealth provides a thorough overview of gallbladder and bile duct cancer. Includes information on symptoms, treatment, prevention, and much more.
Aetna Intelihealth
Aetna: Inteli Health: Pancreatic Cancer
This site from Intelihealth provides a thorough overview of pancreatic cancer. Includes information on symptoms, treatment, prevention, and much more.
Newton's Apple: Cancer Causes
In this lesson plan site from Newton's Apple, a production of KTCA Twin Cities Public Television in cooperation with the National Science Teachers Association, the causes of cancer are discussed. Several cancer causing agents are also...
Curated OER
Kids Health: Breast Cancer
Use this site to learn about cancer of the breast. This article explains the signs and treatment for this type of cancer.
Curated OER
Kids Health: What Is Cancer?
Use this site to find out what cancer really is. Learn the causes, effects, and treatments of this scary disease.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Biology: Carcinogens and Cancer
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] An overview of cancer and its causes.