Library of Congress
Loc: Herblock's History of Political Cartoons
Outstanding online exhibition featuring the works of political cartoonist, Herb Block,the creator of the phrase "McCarthyism." Spanning seventy years, this exhibit of over one hundred of his works shows why this Pulitzer Prize winner was...
New York Times
New York Times: Politics
[Free Registration/Login Required] This New York Times section is devoted to the coverage of American politics. Topics include current election coverage.
Pi: A Search Engine for Politics and Policy
At this site you can search through thousands of political sites and news for research. Also available are news headlines and top political news. Awesome research site.
Reuters: Politics
Overview of an ongoing collection of headline news stories pertaining to politics from Reuters, a multimedia news agency. Older stories are archived.
Pbs Online News Hour: The News Hour
This online version of the PBS television broadcast covers national and international news. Includes political coverage and a teacher resource section with videos categorized by curriculum area.
Gov Spot: u.s. Government, State Government, Congress, Government Jobs
GovSpot is a non-partisan government information portal for and about the U.S. government. Content includes top news surrounding the U.S. government, as well as a wealth of information on top political issues, social services, government...
Abc News: Politics
ABC News provides hourly updates of the latest news, issues, and events occuring in U.S. politics. Content includes live and recorded video and audio; political points; and more.