National Humanities Center
National Humanities Center: Toolbox Library: Cult of Domesticity: Elizabeth Stuart Phelps
Read this mid-nineteenth century short story that raises questions about the roles of women as wives and mothers. Discussion questions are included.
National Humanities Center
National Humanities Center: Toolbox Library: Cult of Domesticity: Fanny Fern: Fern Leaves From Fanny's Portfolio
Short periodical pieces that examine the complex and challenging roles that women found thrust upon them in mid-nineteenth century American culture. Discussion questions are provided.
National Humanities Center
National Humanities Center: Toolbox Library: Cult of Domesticity: Theodore Parker: Of the Function of Woman
A sermon by a Unitarian minister who argues that women have a positive role to play in American life and that isolating them within a domestic sphere loses the power of what they can contribute. Discussion questions are provided.