Pbs: The Life of Birds
Online companion to the PBS program "The Life of Birds." In-depth look at certain behaviors of birds, the evolution of birds, birds as parents, and bird songs.
In Pieces: 30 Species. 30 Pieces. 1 Fragmented Survival.
Explore this interactive exhibition featuring 30 of the world's most interesting but unfortunately endangered species. The exhibition provides useful research information and a video on each endangered animal.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Kakapo (Strigops Habroptilus)
Illustrated entry describes the Kakapo with details about its habitat, physical characteristics, diet, breeding, and other facts.
Bagheera: Kakapo
This site explores the life of the Kakapo, noting this bird's behaviors and natural history. Special focus is made on why this bird is endangered and what conservation efforts are currently under way. A case study of the Dodo bird and...
Canadian Museum of Nature
Canadian Museum of Nature: Kakapo
The kakapo is a New Zealand bird whose numbers have steadily declined for centuries. In the late 1900s, the few that were left were removed to an island where efforts are being made to ensure their survival. You will find some brief...