Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Open Course Ware: Mind and Machines
Focusing a study on the philosophy of mind, examine this thorough collection of resources to enhance discussions.
Wikipedia: Deity
Explains the concept of a deity and its place in mythology and religion. The different forms of theism are described, and the place of deities in various religious belief systems.
Friesian School
Proceedings of the Friesian School/the Quantacized Atom
A very lengthy page from discussing Bohr's theory of electronic energy levels and the explanation of commonly observed atomic emission line spectra. The concept of a photon and Einstein's observation of the photoelectric...
Science Struck
Science Struck: Rene Descartes: Facts, Achievements, Contributions
Presents biographical information about Rene Descartes (1596-1650), his career, personal life, written works, and his legacy. Covers contributions to philosophy, mathematics, and science.
Marxists Internet Archive
Marxist Internet Archive: Schelling Dualism or Monism
An intense, thorough, and lengthy account of Schelling, with respect to questions in logic. Not for beginners, but very helpful for those with some background.