Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Beginning Level
Improve English language proficiency at this comprehensive ELL (English Language Learner) site for Spanish speaking students. This section is subdivided into eight areas of language development: vocabulary, grammar, listening...
TESL Journal
Activities for Esl Students: Self Study Idiom Quizzes
Vast array of quizzes and self-study exercises based on idioms and idiomatic expressions, categorized in a variety of ways (beginning with A, B, etc., by keyword, or by association with other groupings). Great practice for the ELL/ESL...
TESL Journal
The Internet Tesl Journal: Reading Nonfiction Texts Fast
Article lists a series of steps and tasks to make reading texts more efficient and clear. Written primarily for teachers of ESL students but tasks work for all students.
Hopelink: Reading Lesson Idea: Real Life Reading Materials
The purpose of this reading lesson is to offer a reading and comprehension lesson based on real-life reading materials. This gives students the opportunity to gain reading comprehension skills from real-life reading material.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: The Impact of Family Involvement
This article reflects on how parental involvement is essential for students.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Simple Ways to Encourage Learning
This site offers several simple ways to encourage learning in your child.
How to Study: Study Skills Topic Pages
Frustrated with study habits that don't work? Change your approach in a few easy steps.