MadSci Network
The Mad Scientist Network: Chemistry
The question: "What makes something sublimate?" is discussed and explained. Project ideas pertaining to sublimation are suggested.
American Chemical Society
Middle School Chemistry: Chemical Reactions & Engineering Design
This instructional activity begins with a story about rescuing reptile eggs from a new construction site. Using the story as motivation, students are presented with an engineering design challenge: Build a portable device which can warm,...
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Electron Current Flow
A teacher lesson plan which could be easily converted into an idea for a student project or presentation. This page describes an activity in which the water-electricity analogy is used to investigate the relationship between current,...
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Genre Activities
This learning module features "genre" as the topic for PowerPoint presentations, lessons, and quizzes. Numerous projects with the "genre" theme are available for further exploration as opportunities for more in-depth investigations.
Personal: Let's Go Shopping
This personal site provides a student activity that allows learners to practice spreadsheet skills in inputting data and creating function formulas. The activity is based on the collection and comparison of shopping receipts using max,...
Tonya Skinner Business Ed Lesson Plans: Grocery Shopping
This personal site provides a student activity that allows learners to plan a class party while organizing the budget details in a spreadsheet program. Learners will demonstrate computer skills in inputting data, formatting data, and...
Literature Unit: "A Day No Pigs Would Die"
This site features questions for each of the chapters in Robert Newton Peck's "A Day No Pigs Would Die."
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: Author Study: Book Cover Rubric
This Daily Teaching Tools resource provides an author study reproducible. A rubric is provided to help assess an author study project.
Alliance to Save Energy: Educator Lesson Plans
A series of teacher lesson plans for various grade levels. Topics pertain to insulation (among other things) and other energy conservation and energy efficiency topics. Can be easily adapted for a student project or lab investigation.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Storytelling: Imagineering in a Box
A landing page for a new course in storytelling that is presented by Disney designers through Khan Academy's site. They share how they design theme parks and rides. Students will design a theme park of their own.
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Electrochemistry
A teacher lesson plan which could be easily converted into an idea for a student project or presentation. This page describes activities in which the interconversion of chemical and electrical energy are investigated. Complete activity...
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Ohm's Law
For the teacher planning a lesson or for the student preparing for a project or presentation. This page describes a series of simple activities related to the voltage-current-resistance relationship.
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Resistances in Series and Parallel Circuits
A teacher lesson plan is provided here. This page describes two activities in which the effect of multiple resistors on the current and overall resistance of both series and parallel circuits are investigated. Complete activity...
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Batteries and Bulbs
For the teacher planning a lesson or for the student preparing for a project or presentation. This page describes an activity in which parallel and series circuits are constructed using batteries and bulbs. Complete activity directions...
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Simple Circuitry and Series Circuit
A teacher lesson plan which could be easily converted into an idea for a student project or presentation. This page describes an activity in which the basic nature of a circuit and the concepts of a series circuit are investigated....
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Series and Parallel Circuits
A teacher lesson plan which could be easily converted into an idea for a student project or presentation. Ideal for pre-high school students. This page describes an activity in which the history of electric circuits, the nature of...
Exploratorium: Water Sphere Lens
A discussion of how to make a magnifying lens exhibit using a water-filled flask and a light bulb. Consists of assembly instructions and a "To do and notice" section. Great for a teacher demonstration or a student project.
Exploratorium: Exhibit Cross Reference: Convection Currents
A description of a museum exhibit that illustrates convection and convection currents. Great idea stimulus for a student project or lab investigation.
Exploratorium: Give and Take
A description of a museum exhibit that compares the heat radiated from two pieces of metal--one painted black and the other shiny. Great idea stimulus for a student project or lab investigation.
Necessity of Hiroshima: J. Robert Oppenheimer
This is a short biography of J. Robert Oppenheimer provided by a personal site from Doug Long. Included is a quote of his reaction to the use of the atomic bomb several years after the war.
Us Department of Energy: The Manhattan Project
In a short two paragraph entry, the general history of the Manhattan Project is described. There are two links to picture of nuclear reactor and nuclear fuel.
Word Processing Activity: Fbla Flyer 1
This site provides a student activity to allow learners the opportunity to develop and practice computer skills in a word processing program. Students are given instructions to use the computer to create a flyer.
Word Processing Activity: Rsi Checklist
This personal site provides a student activity that allows learners the opportunity to practice computer skills in creating a bulleted list. The activity also involves student's in completing research on repetitive stress injury to...
Nasa: The Space Place: Have Super Hearing With a Super Sound Cone
This site from NASA provides an interesting approach to the subject. How do messages travel in space and how do we intercept those messages on Earth? Find out the answers as well as find out how NASA's giant dish antennas work.