Teach American History: The Bonus Army [Pdf]
A great overview along with photographs and an eyewitness account of the march on Washington by the so-called Bonus Army in 1932. Find out why General Douglas MacArthur was so adamant about crushing the march and marchers. [pdf]
US Senate
Historical Minutes: An Era of Investigations: 1921 1940
Read these series of essays written by U.S. Senate historians that detail important events and people during the era of investigations in the Senate just before the Great Depression and continuing up to the entrance to World War II. The...
Ibiblio: Hoover Library: A Thousand Fronts
Provides a clear description of the problems Hoover faced as President during the Great Depression.
Ibis Communications
Eyewitness to History: America in the 1930s: The Bonus Army
Vivid and succinct account of the efforts and struggles of WWI veterans who marched on Washtington D.C. to demand their veterans' benefits. Article describes their forced dispersement by the army, which strained the confidence of the...
US National Archives
Nara: Picturing the Century: The Great Depression and the New Deal
The National Archives and Records Administration, provides this article with historic photographs of people and places in the 1930s.