Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Open Course Ware: Courses: Chemistry: Advanced Organic Chemistry
College-level advanced chemistry course focusing on organic chemistry. Course highlights the application of structure and theory to the study of organic reaction mechanisms. Course features include selected lecture notes, assignments,...
State University of New York
State University of New York: Molecular Orbital Theory
This exercise displays the molecular orbitals for a few small molecules and examines how to classify each.
Frostburg State University
General Chemistry Online: Chemical Bonds Faq
Find answers to common questions about chemical bonds. Recognize molecular orbital theory and know how to draw a Lewis structure.
Davidson College
Davidson College: Molecular Orbitals of Ammonia
A Java applet shows a molecular orbital representation of ammonia. When an orbital in the diagram is clicked on, the isosurface is shown. The orbitals for other molecules can be accessed through links at the bottom of the page.