Cengage Learning

Houghton Mifflin: Project Based Learning Space

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
Houghton Mifflin has created a comprehensive resource for project-based learning. This site is full of ideas, explanations, projects, and more.
Buck Institute

Pbl Works: Pbl Essential Elements Checklist

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
[Free Registration/Login Required] The PBL Essential Elements Checklist can be used for a quick evaluation of a project's design, to see if it includes all the essential elements of rigorous, effective PBL. Use this tool before, during,...
Buck Institute

Pbl Works: Project Design Rubric

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
[Free Registration/Login Required] This rubric uses the 8 Essential Elements of PBL as criteria to evaluate projects. It describes three levels to assess the design of a project. Definitions and practical examples are used to clarify the...
Cengage Learning

Houghton Mifflin: Project Based Learning Space

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
Houghton Mifflin has created a comprehensive resource for project-based learning. This site is full of ideas, explanations, projects, and more.