Study Languages
Study Spanish: Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions
This site is an explanation of prepositional pronouns with a list of prepositions that only take subject pronouns. Great lesson plan for understanding prepositional pronouns. Students may check test their mastery of this principle with a...
Study Languages
Study Spanish: Regular Verbs Part Iii
The third in a series of three lessons,that focus on regular verbs in the present tense. Fantastic summary of regular present tense conjugations and the use of subject pronouns. The explanation is thorough and easy to understand. The...
Study Languages
Study Spanish: Subject Pronouns
After a brief review of what verbs and verb infinites are, this site offers a comprehensive explanation of subject pronouns. A great comparison of Spanish subject pronouns to English subject pronouns. Differences between second person...
Study Languages
Study Spanish: Regular Verbs Part Ii
The second in a series of three lessons,that focus on regular verbs in the present tense. This lesson teaches conjugations that correspond to the pronouns "tu", "el", "ella","ellos", "ellas", and "vosotros". The explanation is thorough...