Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Prepositions Quiz
Come and review your prepositions with this interactive quiz. Students and teachers will benefit from this educational resource.
TESL Journal
Activities for Esl Students: Conjunctions 1
This site from The Internet TESL Journal is developed for students for whom English is a Second Language (ESL). This is a fairly basic test site that asks for the missing conjunction from a complete sentence.
TESL Journal
Activities for Esl Students: Prepositions 2
This site from The Internet TESL Journal provides a 20 question self quiz. Students are asked to fill in the missing preposition in a complete sentence. "Easy" level of difficulty. Answers are provided without detailed explanations.
TESL Journal
Activities for Esl Students: So or Because Quiz
This site from The Internet TESL Journal is an ESL quiz that asks students to fill in the missing word with one of the conjunctions provided. Includes answers.