Internal Revenue Service
Irs: Early Tax Issues Lesson Plan
This lesson plan will help students understand how some historical events were inspired by tax issues and how tax issues shaped some of the government's actions and policies in the past.
Internal Revenue Service
Irs: How Taxes Influence Behavior Lesson Plan
This lesson plan will help students understand how taxes may influence the way people spend and save their money.
The Balance
The Balance: Sin Tax: Definition, Their Pros and Cons, and Whether They Work
Both the federal government and many state governments impose "sin taxes" that tax items and activities which are considered socially harmful. This article explains these taxes and shows how much states and the federal government raise...
The Igen Blog: Ultimate Excise Tax Guide Definition, Examples, State vs. Federal
This is a fairly detailed explanation of state and federal excise taxes designed for the layperson, not for tax experts.
American Presidency Project
American Presidency Project: Reduction of Excise Taxes
In this speech, Lyndon Johnson explains the "Profound impact on the American economy" after income taxes were reduced in 1964 and addresses the need to reduce excise taxes and to increase "User charges."
The Bradford House: History of the House and David Bradford
Briefly explains how George Washington sent between 12,000 to 13,000 troops into the Washington, Pennsylvania area to supress the Whiskey Rebellion.
Siteseen: American Historama: The Whiskey Rebellion
Important facts and information about the Whiskey Rebellion when the authority of the new US government was tested.