Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: 3 Maccabees
This site from The Bible Tutor briefly summarizes the contents of 3 Maccabees. The information is short but factual and is worth checking out for a background on the subject.
University of St. Andrews (UK)
University of St. Andrews: School of Divinity: 4 Maccabees
Discusses 4 Maccabees in the context of the political climate of the time.
New Advent
Catholic Encyclopedia: The Books of Machabees
Discusses the contents, authorship, and sources of 1 Maccabees. Please note that ?The Catholic Encyclopedia? is a historic reference source and should be viewed in the context of resource material dated around 1910.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: 1 Maccabees
This site from The Bible Tutor briefly discusses the contents of 1 Maccabees. The information is very short but factual and is worth checking out for a background on the subject.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: 4 Maccabees
The Bible Tutor provides a brief but factual overview of the book of 4 Maccabees from the Apocrypha. The information is very short but interesting and is only one paragraph in length.