Pbs: Rough Science: A Brief History of Science
PBS site outlines the history of science and explains the origin of Modern Science. A brief timeline can also be found on this site.
Pbs: Rough Science Island Observatory
PBS site asks users to imagine that they are stranded on a tropical island. Provides experiments for users to calculate time at night and to identify what is in the night sky.
Pbs Nova Online: Spin a Spiral Galaxy
PBS site provides various views of spiral galaxies. (Quick Time required) With this technology, you can manipulate the image to spin it around and look at it from various angles.
Hummingbird Educational Resources: Ladybugs and Insects
This is a resource for any teacher looking for some ideas to use to complement a unit on bugs. Scroll down for songs, center ideas, crafts, science discovery, math ideas, dramatic play ideas and much more!
The Franklin Institute
In Quiry Almanack: Touching
Let your students get a feel for their sense of touch by perusing this site. Site includes interactive activities to use in the classroom.
The Franklin Institute
In Quiry Almanack: Smelling
Site provides fun activities for kids to do in the classroom to help them better understand the sense of smell.
Switch Zoo: Make New Animals
At this site users are able to pick an animal and create funny looking animals by switching the tails and heads with those of other animals. Also offers links to lesson plans, animal drawings, animal poems and animal stories.
US Geological Survey
Usgs: Mount Baker Volcano, Washington
Provides detailed information on Mount Baker as well as information on glaciers, hydrology, lakes and drainages and other points of interest.
Florida State University Cpalms: Florida Students: Scientific Knowledge Changes
A slideshow tutorial will explain how scientific knowledge can change when new evidence is discovered or new ideas are developed. Take a step back in science history to see some great examples of how scientific knowledge has changed when...
California Institute of Technology
Welcome to Cool Cosmos!
Site provides a cosmic classroom, an image gallery, science resources, fun and games, and much more!
Aaas: Science Magazine
This online portal to Science Magazine offers daily science news and a weekly podcast which are available to all users. Much of the in-depth material from the magazine is only available through subscription, though.
My Science Site
Light and Optics
This resource provides information on light as well as links to additional sites on light and optics.
Pbs: Rough Science: Island Power Plant
Learn how to create electricity and your own electrical gadgets! Site provides users with information on how to make a battery, flashlight, buzzer an electric motor.
Teachers TryScience
Teachers Try Science: Catch the Wave!
A resource that explores sound waves and how they work. Offers activities online and offline. Requires Adobe Flash.
Texas A&M University
Kinder Garden
There are many opportunities available for younger students to get involved with plants, gardens, and the outdoors in general. Some of these opportunities include children's programs at school gardens, botanic gardens or community...
Whale Net: Teacher Resources
Site consists of a page of links helpful to any teacher desiring to do an interdisciplinary unit on whales.
Kiddy House: All About Chickens for Kids and Teachers
This comprehensive resource features everything you want to know about chickens. Students and teachers will "cluck" when they explore this site.
Alphabet soup.net: Farm Animals
Check out this awesome resource on farm animals. Students and teachers will benefit from the links found within this site. Learn what sound each of the farm animals make and more.
Pbs Kids: Dragonfly Tv Science Fair: Plan
So, you've chosen your topic and done your research, now, you need to plan your investigation. PBS site walks you through some steps to help guide you through the planning process.
Pbs Kids: Conduction Countdown
PBS offers an experiment that kids can do at home to learn more about heat conduction and how it works.
Pbs Kids: Dragonfly Tv Do It: Grow a Crystal
This PBS Kids site teaches students about crystals and includes an activity that shows how to make sparkling gems at home.
Pbs Kids: Dragonfly Tv Do It: Leaf Me Alone!
How do leaves breathe? PBS site explores how plants breathe and sustain life.
Pbs Kids: Dragonfly Tv: Know How? Cutting a Rock
How can you cut a rock without a saw? Is it possible? PBS site invites you to come along with Mike and Victor to find out.
Pbs Kids:activities and Videos: Structures
PBS site provides videos and activities are hands-on challenges that focus on the engineering design process. They use simple materials, allow for multiple solutions, and are ideal for ages 9-12.