US Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Film and Video Editors and Camera Operators
This resource provides information about careers in audio/visual technology and film, including camera operators.
US Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Photographers
This resource provides information about photographers. Topics covered include working conditions, training, job outlook, and earnings.
US Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Film and Video Editors and Camera Operators
This site by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics provides very useful information on the career of a TV, video, and motion picture camera operator and editor.
Careers New Zealand
Careers New Zealand: Film/television Camera Operator
This resource provides information about the career of a camera operator. Information includes typical tasks and duties, personal requirements needed for the job, education requirements, typical working conditions, salary, and future job...
Media College
Media College: The Tv Camera Operator
Discover the many responsibilities of the TV camera operator. Studio, OB, and field operators are discussed.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Scene Composition
Use the tool below to compose two scenes. Experiment with different camera settings to see what effects you can create. When you have practiced with the tool, take the quiz.