Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: Paul Laurence Dunbar
This Web English Teacher site compiled links to learn more about Paul Laurence Dunbar's work. Explore this informative resource to learn more about his poetry and life.
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: Joan Lowery Nixon
Explore the life and work of the author Joan Lowery Nixon when you visit this site. This resource features several links to more information on this author and her work.
Yale University
Yale: Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Journey of Discovery
This site features three novels and uses them to show students that reading can be fun and useful. Students and teachers will benefit from this informative resource.
Yale University
Yale New Haven Teachers Institute: The American Family in Literature
What is the objective of this "American Family in Literature" unit? This site uses "Farmer Boy" and "Nobody's Family Can Change" to explore differences in families. The resource includes rationale and activities to help get this point to...