Art Lex: Surrealism
This Artlex website gives a detailed definition of Surrealism including its founder, influences, examples of this type of art, and its relationship to dadaism.
Other Links to Artists of Surrealism
This website from has on several Surrealists including Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, and Max Ernst.
Arts Net Minnesota: Introduction to Inner Worlds
A comparison of eight artists: Arthur Dove, Anthony, Green, Richard Hunt, Judy Onofrio, Betye Saar, Kay Sage, Yves Tanguy, Jane Tuckerman. Click on a specific artist to view one of their pieces, then read the information about its...
Ibiblio: Web Museum: Surrealism
A brief description of the beginning and growth of Surrealism between World War I and World War II including the goals and theories of this abstract art movement.
Art Cyclopedia
Artcyclopedia: Artists by Movement: Surrealism
A brief description of surrealistic art with a long list of artists associated with this art form.
Ibiblio: Web Museum: Yves Tanguy
Brief information on Surrealist artist, Yves Tanguy with enlargeable image of "Indefinite Divisibility."
Van Gogh Gallery
The Van Gogh Gallery: Yves Tanguy
Biographical account covers the life and career of Yves Tanguy, French surrealist painter.