Florida-Spectrum Environmental Services
Florida Spectrum: Chemical Fact Sheet: Einsteinium
This site provides a fact sheet with information on the basic data and properties of Einsteinium. It also includes some of its uses.
Web Elements
Web Elements Periodic Table: Einsteinium
Nicely presented summary of basic data on einsteinium. Complete electron configuration is shown. Site by WebElements.
University of Kentucky
Chem Comics: Einsteinium
A pair of comics that feature the element einsteinium. Fun ways to learn about chemistry!
University of Texas at Austin
Tex's French Grammar:irregular Verb " Tre" Present Tense
Explanation of the irregular verb etre, with usage examples, interactive practice exercises (written and audio), and links to its usage as an auxiliary in compound tenses.
University of Texas at Austin
Tex's French Grammar: Passe Compose With Etre
This site from Tex's French Grammar clearly explains the uses, formation and negation of the passe compose, using high quality examples, dialogues, (both written and audio), and interactive exercises. Contains link to usage with avoir as...
University of Texas at Austin
Tex's French Grammar: Passe Compose of Pronominal Verbs
This site from Tex's French Grammar clearly explains the uses, formation and negation of the passe compose with pronominal verbs, using high quality examples, dialogues, (both written and audio), and interactive exercises.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Einsteinium: Periodic Table of Videos
The team at Periodicvideos has created a TED-Ed Lesson for every element of the periodic table. Hear about einsteinium from a chemist who looks like the famous physicist. [1:52]
Chemicool: Einsteinium
A collection of data tables summarizing the known physical and chemical properties of Einsteinium.
Lanl: The Actinide Research Quarterly
This is "The Actinide Research Quarterly", a publication about current research of the actinide metals and nuclear materials technology by Los Alamos National Laboratory. Very detailed information.
Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry: Einsteinium
This resource presents a short basic introduction on einsteinium.
Corrosion Source
Corrosion Source: Einsteinium
This resource provides a short summary of some basic data on the properties of einsteinium.