Library of Congress
Loc: About George Westinghouse
This is a detailed biography about George Westinghouse with a link to an article about Westinghouse from the Wilmerding News, 1904. Read about his many inventions that improved railroad safety.
Library of Congress
Loc: Working Conditions at the Westinghouse Works, 1904
Read about the progressive ideas the companies comprising the Westinghouse Works instituted in relation to their employees.
Great Idea Finder
The Great Idea Finder: Inventor Granville Woods Biography
A detailed biography of Granville T. Woods, who was known as "the Black Edison" because of his many inventions. He is best known for greatly improving the safety of railroads by his invention of the Multiplex Railway Telegraph.
Library of Congress
Loc: The Westinghouse World
This has detailed information about the various historical Westinghouse plants and their working conditions. Also includes information about George Westinghouse and "Life in Wilmerding, home of the Westinghouse Air Brake Company."
National Inventors Hall of Fame
National Inventors Hall of Fame: George Westinghouse
Find information about George Westinghouse's contributions to both railroad safety and the adoption of alternating current for motors and the transmission of electricity.