Douglas Crockford: Elements of Style
Renowned handbook of style by William Strunk, Jr. It includes sections on usage, principles of composition, frequently misused words, and frequently misspelled words, L.9-10.3a Standard Format
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Producing a Text Using a Style Manual (English Iii Research)
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] You will learn to use the Modern Language Association (MLA) style manual to help you format the final draft of your research paper, including headings and graphics if needed.
University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin Madison: Documentation Styles
This is one of the more thorough reference tools on documentation styles. It covers the major style guides, including APSA, APA, Chicago/Turabian, CBE, and MLA. Numbered references are also explained. One section of links is devoted to...
Rutgers University
Rutgers University: Guide to Grammar and Style by Jack Lynch
Reference guide to key grammatical terms and issues. Also gives additional reading suggestions and lists online resources.
Secondary Lesson Guide for Writing Journalism
Excellent lesson plan page geared towards teachers and students interested in learning how to write feature stories and also learn basic writing tenets. Very practical site.
Bartleby.com: Strunk's the Elements of Style
Bartleby.com's online version of William Strunk, Jr.'s classic reference book, "The Elements of Style."
Grammarly Blog: Grammar Rules
This is a grammar handbook with links to grammar rules for the parts of speech, punctuation marks, mechanics, sentence style and clarity, composition, academic writing, organization and development, revising and editing, and research and...
Public Relations Writing: How I Grade a Press Release.
Specialized but useful rubric geared towards examining journalistic style writing. Provides evaluation guidelines that one teacher uses, with a rubric to evaluate.
Library Spot/style Guides
This general page provides links to MLA Style, Elements of Style and Online Citation Styles. Also has reference desk and links to libraries.
TES Global
Blendspace: Embedding Quotes 1/23/2014
A learning module with links to twenty-one texts, images, slides, and quizzes about embedding quotes in a text.