University of California
Ucla: Proverb Resources
Proverbs from around the world and links to external collections. Includes links to proverb journals, articles, and reference materials. Good for both students and teachers.
Read Write Think: Proverbs: At Home and Around the World
Contains plans for three lessons about proverbs from around the world and how they have cultural and personal significance. In addition to objectives and standards, these instructional plans contain links to sites used in the lessons as...
Brainy Quote: Socrates Quotes
This site offers 46 quotes by Socrates including themes of each; many of the quotes are illustrated.
Creative Proverbs: Index of Countries and Cultures
A detailed list of proverbs by culture. Over 100 countries/cultures listed and over 2,000 proverbs! Also provides information about the country and culture, including maps and cultural information.
Proverbial Wisdom: Quotations
A large collection of proverbs listed alphabetically (over 600). Listed together with the culture of origin.