Nova: How Is Sex Determined?
This site focuses on the first 16 weeks of embryo development when the sex of the child is determined.
Pbs Bloodlines: Technology Hits Home
This site is a must see for any lesson or unit on biotechnology! It is a companion to the PBS video "Bloodlines: Technology Hits Home," although it can certainly be used without the video. It's a fantastic site that will challenge...
Pbs Bloodlines: Making Precedent
Excellent site where students are challenged to read several case studies and make choices about what they would do in the situation. After they choose they are presented with some of the consequences that their decision may produce in...
Genome British Columbia
Genome British Columbia: Y Files
This resource presents a detailed discussion and explanation of the Y-chromosome and how it determines the male sex.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: X Linked Inheritance
Find out about the chromosomal basis of sex determination, X and Y chromosomes, and X-linkage.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Dna From the Beginning: Specialized Chromosomes Determine Gender
This animation explains how Nettie Stevens research on meal worms unlocked the chromosomal basis of gender.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Sex Determination: More Complicated Than You Thought
There are vastly different systems of sex determination among animal life on earth. In this TED Ed presentation biologist, Aaron Reedy, shows us the incredible differences between species when it comes to determination of gender. [5:46]
Bbc: Gcse Bitesize: Genetic Inheritance Aqa
Our genes are inherited from our parents, and the different combinations of these genes make us unique. Genetic inheritance controls the characteristics of all living things. This lesson focuses on the inheritance of biological sex in...
Biology Wise: Difference Between Monoecious and Dioecious Organisms
Monoecious refers to organisms having both male and female characteristics in a single individual, i.e., a hermaphrodite, while dioecious organisms have separated genders. The two terms are compared for their similarities an differences...