Wikipedia: Local Area Network (Lan)
Wikipedia provides an encyclopedia definition of a local area network, or LAN, including many hyperlinked terms.
Tech Target
Search Networking: Local Area Network
A simple definition of the term, "Local Area Network," or "LAN" including hyperlinked terms.
Connected: La Ns and Wa Ns
The definitions and comparisons between Local Area Networks (LANs), and Wide Area Networks (WANs).
Wikipedia: Computer Network
This site contains a Wikipedia description of computer networks.
Other Local Area Networks
This site from provides definition and uses of Local Area Networks. Includes LAN characteristics with linked definitions. Has many links to related sites.
Tech Soup: Networking 101: Concepts and Definitions
Starts with a simple definition of a network and then explores the components of a network, how a network works, types of networks, communication protocol, and hardware.