Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Project Ideas: How Does Animation Timing Affect Your Perception
In this video and computer game science fair project, students will discover how changing the timing between different frames of an animation can change a player's perception of how powerful a video game punch is. The Science Buddies...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: The Pixel Puzzle: Why Video Game Characters Look Better Today
Video games today look better than video games from the 80's, this is because now the number of pixels, or dots on the screen, used to represent video game objects has greatly increased. In the 80's, Mario was no more than 16 pixels tall...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Gamers: Myth or Man?
Lots of people have preconceived ideas and perceptions of people because of stereotypes. This science fair project will help you examine whether the stereotypes of "gamers" actually matches those that actually play video games.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Want to Make a Video Game? Here's How!
Do you love playing video and computer games? Do you dream of someday creating your own? With this science fair project you can turn that "someday" wish into a "today" reality.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Can Gaming Help You Score Better in School?
There are a variety of educational computer games on the market in the areas of math, history, science, and language, as well as many simpler versions free on the Internet. This exercise asks that you make up a test based on the subject...