Space Telescope Science Institute
Amazing Space: Telescopes From the Ground Up
Students can investigate the historical development of six different telescopes. The technical aspects of different telescopes are also presented.
Aao: The Anglo Australian Observatory Homepage
The Anglo-Australian Observatory located in the center of Australia is a joint venture between the Australian and British governments. Page gives basic information about the observatory and its telescopes. Check out the site map first...
Fraser Valley Astronomers Society: Mirror Making
Directions and suggestions for making a parabolic mirror out of epoxy for use in a reflecting telescope. Links provided for sources of epoxy.
South African Large Telescope Project
South African Large Telescope (SALT) homepage describes a multi-national project sponsored by the South African Astronomical Observatory to build a large telescope in South Africa. Visually appealing and written for the lay person.
University of Maryland
Optics Highlights: The Telescope
Part of an anecdotal history of optics and the study of light. Extremely thorough treatment of the invention of the telescope. Includes a short biographical sketch and discusses the work of Isaac Newton which focuses on his contribution...
University of Chicago
University of Chicago: Reflector and Refractor
From the Yerkes Observatory Virtual Tour web site. Compares and contrasts reflecting and refracting telescopes. A link from the page leads to a second page which explains why most modern research telescopes are reflecting telescopes.