
Mitsubishi Public Affairs Committee: A Collection of Illustrated Diaries

For Students 3rd - 8th
Browse through a colorful gallery of children's artwork created for an Asian's children's literacy festival. Visitors can not only explore works that share similar subjects but they can view all works submitted by children from one...
Pequeno Artista (Brazil)

Pequeno Artista

For Students Pre-K - 1st
Site focuses on children's arts, including visual arts, poetry, music, painting, short stories, film, books, dance, and games. Also offers some fun science projects and interesting facts to enhance a child's overall knowledge of his/her...

The International Education and Resource Network: The First Peoples' Project

For Students Pre-K - 1st
Join the online community of indigenous students from nations around the world and/or view work from students that center around issues relating to indigenous children.

Artbox Gallery of Children's Art

For Students 3rd - 8th
A gallery of artwork created by Masha Averina, a young Russian artist who works principally in gouache and watercolor. Some images are accompanied by excerpts from the literary sources that inspired the work, making this an excellent...

International Child Art Foundation

For Students Pre-K - 1st
Organizational homepage for the International Child Art Foundation, which fosters creativity and empathy through art and art appreciation.

Art Inspired Writing

For Students 3rd - 8th
This resource maintains a gallery of artwork created for the magazine by children from all around the world.

Teen Ink: Art Galleries

For Students 9th - 10th
"Teen Ink" is a monthly magazine written and illustrated by teens for teens. Sample the creative work from the current issue or access a gallery of work from the archive of previous issues.

Indiana State University: Web Archive of Children's Art

For Students 9th - 10th
Follow this link to a vast archive of children's art organized in a database that can be searched by the artist's gender and age, medium, and similar characteristics.
Unknown Type
EL Education

El Education: Alphabet Poster

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st Standards
This poster of the alphabet was created by kindergarten students from the College School in St. Louis, Missouri, and combines formal lettering with student drawings. Each student picked a word that started with a letter and drew a...
Unknown Type
EL Education

El Education: Andy Goldsworthy Nature Art

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
Eighth grade students from the Santa Fe School for the Arts and Sciences, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, created pieces of art for a project based on the nature artwork of Andy Goldsworthy. Goldsworthy has become the archetypal artist of this...
Unknown Type
EL Education

El Education: Aquatic Invasive Stamps

For Teachers 3rd - 8th
Students in Wiscasset, Maine, created these stamps as part of a learning expedition on invasive ocean species. They researched ocean species, and in particular, problems caused by invasive ocean species, working with local experts. Teams...
Unknown Type
EL Education

El Education: Architectural Features Cards

For Teachers 3rd - 8th
Fifth grade students at Genesee Community Charter School created these cards during an expedition called Liberty and Justice for All ? To create the cards, students researched and sketched Federal, Georgian, Colonial, Greek and other...
Unknown Type
EL Education

El Education: Asl Ab Cs

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
5th and 6th graders from the Santa Fe School for the arts created this Alphabet Book as a way to introduce younger audiences to American Sign Language (ASL). Students created this book as a demonstration of their learning. In this book...
Unknown Type
EL Education

El Education: Bee Fore and After Posters

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
These illustrations of bees were done by third-grade students from Mary O. Pottenger Elementary School in Springfield, Massachusetts. Before they learned anything about bees, students were asked to draw a picture of a bee. At the end of...
Unknown Type
EL Education

El Education: Bird Cards

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
This set of note cards was created by kindergarten students from the Anser Public Charter School in Boise, Idaho, as part of a year-long Learning Expedition on birds. Each student became a specialist in his or her specific species of...
Unknown Type
EL Education

El Education: Book Trading Cards

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
This collection of trading cards was created by 5th and 6th graders at Shutesbury Elementary School in Shutesbury, Massachusetts, as part of a choice-based fictional reading project. Each student selected a fiction book that he or she...
Unknown Type
EL Education

El Education: Calendar of Forest Park

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
This calendar was created by 1st grade students in Springfield, Massachusetts, as part of their "Parks as a Neighborhood Resource" Learning Expedition. Students investigated a neighborhood resource while also learning about the function...
Unknown Type
EL Education

El Education: Calligraphy/name Posters

For Teachers 9th - 10th
9th grade students from Meadow Brook High School in Chesterfield County, VA, created posters of their first names using decorative, self-selected fonts, as part of a project on identity. The product's dimensions were 11 by 17 inches.
Unknown Type
EL Education

El Education: Camilla E. Church

For Teachers 3rd - 8th
This character file was created by a 5th/6th grade student in Shutesbury, Massachusetts, as part of a Learning expedition on architecture. Though only one is shown here, each student's character file (CF) tells the detailed life story,...
Unknown Type
EL Education

El Education: Chauncie Mallen

For Teachers 3rd - 8th
A 5th/6th grade student in Shutesbury, Massachusetts, created this character file (CF) as part of a Learning expedition on local scientists. As part of the expedition, students surveyed all of the fields that are considered the hard...
Unknown Type
EL Education

El Education: Chickenology: The Art and Science of Keeping Chickens

For Teachers 9th - 10th
This manual was written by a group of middle school and high school students in the Maplewood Richmond Heights school district. The students, known as the "Chickenologists", care for the district's flock of chickens. This comprehensive...
Unknown Type
EL Education

El Education: Class Portrait Poster

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
Kindergarten students at the College School in St. Louis, Missouri, created this over-sized poster of individual student self-portraits. The portraits were part of an investigation of the students in the class- their similarities and...
Unknown Type
EL Education

El Education: Deer Watercolor

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
This watercolor painting was done by a 6th grade student from the Shutesbury Elementary School, in Shutesbury, Massachusetts. Watercolor art was a class-wide study in the classroom, and students took on personal watercolor projects...
Unknown Type
EL Education

El Education: Discovering the Genesee Volume 1

For Teachers 3rd - 8th
Discovering the Genesee was created by third grade students in Rochester, New York, as part of a Learning Expedition on local history. Student work was guided by four questions, which became the chapters of their book: Who were the...