Alan Turning: What Is Artificial Intelligence?
An article on expert systems can be found at this location which explains what expert systems are, lists some of the fields they're used in, the basic components of expert systems, and gives information on some real life expert systems...
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
This site contains a variety of resources, information about, and research concerning artificial intelligence.
Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon: What Is a Fuzzy Expert System?
This site defines what a fuzzy expert system is and provides examples.
Artificial Intelligence Depot
The Artificial Intelligence Depot resource contains general information and a listing of publications about artificial intelligence.
Welcome to Ai Topics: Home Page
A site run by the American Association for Artificial Intelligence. Provides information on a number of AI topics, including Expert Systems. A great site for students and teachers.
Webopedia.com: Artificial Intelligence
Includes a concise definition of artificial intelligence and an explanation of the different areas in which artificial intelligence is used.
Stanford University
Stanford University: What Is Artificial Intelligence?
An overview of artificial intelligence (AI), the different branches of AI, applications of artificial intelligence, and the like.
Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon: Expert System Shells
A somewhat technical discussion of expert system shells. Includes references to helpful books and periodicals on the topic as well.
Wikipedia: Artificial Intelligence
This site contains a Wikipedia description of Artificial Intelligence.
Pcai: Expert Systems
A list of links to related web sites, expert system vendors, and book and article references.
E Xpertise2 go.com: Introduction to Expert Systems
This tutorial shows you how a computer-based expert system emulates the behavior of a human advisor, presents terminology unique to the field, and introduces the activities that must be accomplished to build expert systems.