Luminarium: English Literature: Early 17th Century: Henry Vaughan
Click through this site to find a brief biography of Henry Vaughan, a chronology of his life, links to his works, and essays about his works.
Luminarium: Andrew Marvell (1621 1678)
This is a very comprehensive site, a complete collection of Marvell's works and several critical essays, in additon to biographical material.
George Herbert
This is a fairly comprehensive site produced by college students. It includes a biography of Herbert, an example of his work, and an annotated bibliography.
Cal Poly Univ.: Metaphysical Poetry & English Composition
A wonderful essay by Steven Marx of Cal Poly University about teaching metaphysical poetry. Gives insight to the literary style and the poets Donne, Herbert, and Marvell.
University of Toronto (Canada)
University of Toronto: Poetry of Henry Vaughan
This site indexes a full-text of 11 of Henry Vaughan's poems. Also included is some biographical information.
Bartleby Henry Vaughan, the Retreat
Bartleby provides the full text for the following poems: "The Retreat", "Peace", "The Timber", and "Friends Departed".
Bartleby Metaphysical Lyrics & Poems of the 17th C: To Amoret Gone From Him
The text of Henry Vaughan's metaphysical poem "To Amore Gone from Him."
Bartleby The Sacred Poets: George Herbert's Personality
This scholarly site analyzes Herbert's work and compares it to the writings of several of his contemporaries. Viewers should note that there are four separate pages about Herbert, linked at the bottom of each page.
Luminarium: Anniina Jokinen: On a Drop of Dew
This site contains the translated version of Andrew Marvell's, On A Drop Of Dew.
Luminarium: George Herbert (1593 1633)
The Luminarium site provides biographical information, as well as links to Herbert's writing, and to essays about his works. Excellent site.
Wikipedia: John Donne
Wikipedia provides biographical information on English metaphysical poet, John Donne (1572-1631 CE). Includes example of poetry from "Meditation XVII."
George Herbert, Priest and Poet
This biography focuses on Herbert's life in the church and on his character. His poetry is discussed as an extention of his faith.
Passions in Poetry: George Herbert 1593 1633
This brief biography of Herbert is accompanied by the texts of fifteen of his poems. The poems have no commentary with them.
Fu Jen Catholic University: Metaphysical Poetry
This site from the Fu Jen University describes the term "metaphysical" and gives history and definition of the term "metaphysical poet" as coined by critic Samuel Johnson.
University of Toronto (Canada)
University of Toronto: Selected Poetry of George Herbert
Get a taste of metaphysical poetry from one of the most famous metaphysical poets, George Herbert. Here are 21 of his poems, as well as some brief biographical information.
University of Toronto (Canada)
University of Toronto: Selected Poetry of Andrew Marvell
Get a taste of the metaphysical style by reading selected works of Andrew Marvell, noted metaphysical poet of the 17th century.
University of Toronto (Canada)
University of Toronto: Richard Crashaw Poetry
This site from the University of Toronto has information on one of the noted 17th century Metaphysical Poets. Get a feel of the metaphysical style by viewing Crashaw's poetry on-line.
Bartleby Andrew Marvell the Garden*
This site provides the orginal text of Marvell's poem, "The Garden," without explanatory note. In this poem, Marvell compares the soldiers in England's Civil War to flowers.
Academy of American Poets Andrew Marvell
A biography of 17th century British poet, Andrew Marvell, with the texts of three of his works. Included is his most famous poem, "To His Coy Mistress."
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: John Donne
This online resource focuses on the life and work of John Donne. Includes links to related sources.
Bill Carson
Puritan and Reformed Writings: The Poems of Edward Taylor
Biographical information with an emphasis on personality and poetic themes of Edward Taylor. Contains a list, opening lines, and links to Taylor's major works. Contains quotations from critics.
Robert H. Sarkissian
Island of Freedom: John Donne
A nice, easy-to-read page with info on John Donne. Gives good insight into the metaphysical style of poetry with links to several of his poems. RL.9-10.10a&b text complexity
Poems for the People: The Retreat by Henry Vaughan
This site provides the text of "The Retreat" by Henry Vaughan in its entirety.
Western Michigan University:george Herbert, "The Collar"
The text of Herbert's poem, "The Collar," in modern English. A link takes the viewer to the poem in its original spelling.