Whitney Museum of American Art: Georgia O'keefe: Abstraction
Find a full-featured analysis of an abstract work by Georgia O'Keeffe that communicates many key elements of her art, such as her use of color, the inspiration she found in nature, and her approach to abstraction. Includes insightful...
Art Institute of Chicago
Art Institute of Chicago: Matisse: Radical Invention, 1913 1917
Exhibition of Matisse's paintings, sculptures, drawings and prints, from a pivotal period in the artist's career. With a numerous examples of the artist's work, biographical notes, compositional analysis, and video of Matisse at work.
National Gallery of Art
National Gallery of Art: Henri Matisse
An in-depth look at how Matisse used color and at how contemporary theories about optics and color influenced his work. The essay describes how a group of artists along with Matisse--Van Gogh, Gauguin, and Seurat among them--became tired...