Curated OER
Mind Over Matter: How Does the Brain Work
Students research previous attempts by scientists to discover the ways in which the brain works, design and conduct an experiment to illustrate current research and present their findings to the class.
Pbs Inside the Teenage Brain
"What's going on in there?" Science may help to explain the mysteries of the teen years. Take a look at what the experts have to say, review recent research, and check out an interactive illustration of the brain.
American Academy of Achievement
Academy of Achievement: Linda Buck, ph.d.
Read about the life and accomplishments of Linda B. Buck, winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine for her pioneering discovery of the genetic pathways that enable us to recognize and remember smells. Includes a profile, videos, and a photo...
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: A Light Switch for Neurons
Ed Boyden shows how, by inserting genes for light-sensitive proteins into brain cells, he can selectively activate or de-activate specific neurons with fiber-optic implants. With this unprecedented level of control, he's managed to cure...
Mtsu: Memory Principles & Strategies
Explore memory principles and strategies. Before you go to this site, list the ways you usually try to remember things. Write these strategies down (share with someone else if possible). Once you have written your strategies down, take a...
Leadership in Ed: Brain Research Relates to Rigor/relevance/relationship [Pdf]
This resource is a whitepaper, published by International Center for Leadership in Education, informing the reader how brain research relates to the three R's (Rigor, Relevance, and Relationship). Requires Adobe Reader. [PDF]
Society for Neuroscience: Brain Facts [Pdf]
This is a publication on the human brain and how it works. Gives details on the neuron, how the senses interact with the brain and much more. PDF (requires Adobe Reader).
Pbs News Hour: Brain Power: Child's Play
This interview with Jim Lehrer of PBS NewsHour examines the impact of scientific research which has revealed that the brain develops most in a child's first three years of life.
Pbs: Nova: Mapping the Brain
Learn about new techniques for mapping the brain and how these new techniques can help researchers build a better undersanding of the brain.
University of Wisconsin
Uw: Study: Child Abuse Can Alter Brain Development
University of Wisconsin gives a news story about the effect of child abuse on the normal development of the brain. Cites information from a recent study.
American Academy of Family Physicians
Aafp: Update on Parkinson's Disease
This article, presented by the American Academy of Family Physicians, discusses recent breakthroughs in the treatment of Parkinson's Disease. Included are tables and graphs.
Frontiers Media
Frontiers: Brain Projects Think Big
When you read these words, hundreds of millions of nerve cells are electrically and chemically active in your brain. This activity enables you to recognize words, sense the world, learn, enjoy and create new things, and be curious about...
Improve Your Brain: Music Makes You Smarter Research
This research site contains loads of information in either text of link form. You can research the brain and music, how they relate to each other and the affects that it causes. The list of possibilites is endless, just click and enjoy.
Kidsource OnLine
Kid Source on Line: Five Ways to Stimulate Brain Power in Your Child
Offers a general list of some ideas about what might help foster the "right" kind of brain development.
Babycenter: Inside Your Child's Mind:a Visual Guide
BabyCenter offers a brain image which provides information about what different areas of the brain control in a child.
Cnn: Babies' First Months Crucial to Brain Development
This site from CNN provides a transcript of a short news story about the importance of early life on brain development.